Wave Of Mutilation

Does anyone else get “waves” of numbness/tingling?

Last week when I made the dreaded Costco run and we finally were done and pulled up to the curb in front of our house, I felt a “wave” of numbness in my right leg that ebbed away after a few moments.  Today, I decided that no matter how tired I feel most days, I really needed to get off my ass and do a little exercise, so I took a short walk around the neighbourhood.  It was only about eight blocks and I did it at a very casual stroll, but the last two blocks, the numbness and tingling came over me in a “wave” again.  It’s been about fifteen minutes since I got home and took my boots off, but both legs are still tingling, my right one more than the left.

Some of the first symptoms I had about two years ago that went undiagnosed were numbness and tingling in my legs.  I’d assumed it was diabetic neuropathy at the time and I didn’t have health insurance, so I never got it checked out further.  That numbness didn’t seem to come in a wave, as much as it was just there.  When I say “wave” with these last two experiences, what I mean to say is… imagine someone taking a light-weight sheet and draping it over your legs, starting at the knee and moving down to your feet.  It doesn’t just show up, it sort of washes over me.  I felt it a little in my hands as well.  And I’m sure it doesn’t make sense, but it seems like I felt it in my brain for a second.  Like I was sort of zapped in the head, and then felt it wash over me, through my hands, but especially down my legs and into my feet.  I stood on my front steps and for a moment, I waited to see if I was going to have an aneurism or pass out or something.  Luckily, none of the above.  I made it up to our second story apartment with a little tripping up the steps and I’m good.

Is that a sign of over-doing it?  Of pushing your body too far when you have MS?  I’m not really seeing anything online that says that, just that it’s a symptom.  What are everyone else’s experiences with numbness?